Sunday, January 10, 2010


As we commiserate with our president at his moment of ill health, I wish to use this opportunity to join voice, hands and legs with numerous Nigerians who are dissatisfied with the imbroglio Nigeria has been subjected to in the eyes of the whole world.
A government that prides itself by the mantra of the “rule of law” should and must at this crucial moment of our National history live up to its name, promises and chants.
I know that my president will come back to govern this nation again but I also know that we cannot afford to have a vacuum at the highest seat of governance, the resent listing of Nigeria as a terrorist Nation (by implication) should bring the attention of any right thinking individual to a crucial observation; our handshake with folly and ineptitude has certainly passed the elbow. We cannot and shall not allow a cabal of selfish Nigerians to thwart the hopes, dreams and destinies of the 140 million majority, we refuse to agree that this circumstances is the making of God, though it would serve His purpose but then we; you and I are born for a time like this and evil will only thrive because we allow it. What am I saying? My point is the very thing my dear president has been chanting for a while; the rule of law, let him handover to the vice president in an acting capacity until his health status is confirmed.
It is on this note that I urge every Nigerian to join us on Tuesday, the 12th of January as we undertake a peace walk from the Millennium park Maitama Abuja to the State House to say no to the foolhardiness we have been forced to explain away for the last 5 weeks of our president’s absence.
I also wish to add at this junction that all Nigerians should start thinking of creative ways to thwart the schemes of the vile men and women of this nation; a minority that has undertaken to subjugate the better masses, specifically as it relates to 2011 election. Thank God for facebook and other social websites, let us buy cameras (long range view would be wiser!) and prepare to capture the show of shame our country men are definitely preparing to hoist on us once again.
Let it be that evil triumphed despite our efforts rather than we failed to even try, for the sake of the unborn generation, for the sake of the potential hazards of war, for the sake of the embarrassment at the embassy, for the sakes of the lives lost at our expressways let us arise and for once live up to the meaning of our national anthem that “the labours of our heros past shall never be in vain” before we wake up one morning to the gluttonous voice of one military man reciting “good morning fellow Nigerians”.

The Story
The Tales of of our hearts
yet untold, if ever
tales of hope and love.
Of love turn to hate of hope turn to sighs.
Our hearts tale, a nation's tale

young as kids, papa told us tales
tales of time past.
Old tales of fame, love and life.
Of men before, men with stories to tell.
Ancients though. Yet they had some tale.

Sooner young hands would touch mine, calloused though.
Soft voices, eager and lively would say:
papa tell us some tales, tales of love and hope.
Of deeds done before, of men.

Though gentle of heart,
a heart most endeared with passion.
A passion of old,
a passion for my nation.
I would mutter "no stories my children, see, your momma calls"

alas this might be a nation without tales.
Though it be seemingly so
I would forever cry "yes my children, thus the story began"
how this might be you ask?
I am the story I answer.

Thanks .

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