Friday, January 1, 2010


“Dr Watson, Dr Watson
What do the stars mean to you?
What do the stars mean to you tonight?”
A finger points up
Two eyes followed, four gazed
It was a beautiful site
Out in the woods,
the middle of the night
The stars told their tale; grandeur
Detective Holmes wanted answers
He should get one
A grand one perhaps
It was a chill night, the toads croaked in the distance
The owl maintained her solitary watch
The chirps a symphony of sorts
The question again; the stars tonight!
The stars looked lovely
“Oh many things
Many things, detective Holmes
astronomically there are millions of stars
Astrologically I think Saturn is within Leo
Meteorologically I think Tomorrow is going to be a good day
Horologically I think it’s quarter past two.
And theologically I think God is big, this is His world and I am small.”

But then, Holmes what do the stars mean to you tonight?”
“Oh silly, silly Watson,
it does mean that while we were sleeping
Someone came and stole our tent.”
Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson
Silent stars
Different thoughts
Different events
Real events
It is a great day,
A new era, new aura
A New phase, new season
A new you. A new me
Nigeria; same nation
old era, old aura
Old phase, old season
Same nation
Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson
Same star, Same Nation
Same you, same me
What do the stars mean to you tonight?

(hope you’ve registered for voting 2011, your votes counts! Lets see the stars differently)

End of ballad

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