Friday, January 8, 2010

Business Series 4

Competence Development

“To everyone was given a certain measure of talent”
In the parable of the talents, though the distribution was not equal, nobody got nothing and interestingly the distribution was according to their abilities.
So if I should desire more talents then I should develop more abilities like capability, marketability, trustability, stickability, responsibility, availability, listening capability, manageability, adaptability, and on and on and on. So it is never a surprise when you see work/money migrating to those with the ability for its maintenance, implicit is the statement that everything migrates to the person who has the most ability for its maintenance, Everything! This is called “The law of Use”
“To him that has, more will be given. To him that has not, what he has will be taken from him”
The contradiction in the above statement is that someone who doesn’t have would lose what he has! That tells me that everyone has something; it is just that some folks don’t count theirs as anything.
Success is not making billions; it is doing what you are supposed to do. And every one of us is fully equipped for the assignment, so don’t judge your progress with how much you’re making yet but rather on how good you’ve multiplied the abilities and talents you have. How have you developed that crude idea of yours? From how many angles have you looked at it? Africans someone said are innocent of deep thinking, your greatest competence development is in the place of thinking, (thinking borne out of reading), so meditate on issues. Rather than cry for lack of capital, capitalize on your idea. Your idea is the capital; what you don’t know is how to get the money to fund it.
What do you do then?
Learn, Learn, Learn; Money is an essential ingredient for the success of any venture no doubt so you’ve got to learn how to attract it and use it. If you can’t find a way to finance your venture maybe you should start considering loan or equity. Believe me, if money is the reason you can do nothing then you are not ready. Any good idea can be given birth to in a manger! If you believe in it then sow it like the mustard seed, this things take time to happen.
Some few days ago, I decided to postpone the implementation of some ideas I have but to rather learn more and spend some time helping others on a similar path to achieve their dreams while learning from them. I call this sowing, and you can’t sow without reaping.
The great truth in the parable of the sower is that the farmer consciously put seed into the ground.
Create time for learning and reading.
One who cannot read or learn in the area of their dream has taken the window.
There is a lot of space out there, so don’t rush out until you are ready and independent enough for the journey and emotionally/financially sound enough to survive the fall if it comes.
Every entrepreneur knows that falls are part of the game.
I have always wondered how the founder of Fedex could stick in school while he wrote his idea for the firm (his MBA dissertation), the paper was graded a “C”. On the other hand Bill Gates had to leave school to make Microsoft a success. A closer look showed that Bill Gates left when the idea was already succeeding and he didn’t need the Harvard education to make it a success, the adrenaline rush a business idea generates could if not channeled to the right source be devastating.
Do you have a burning idea? Good, then check your competency level,
Can I do this now?
What would I need?
Can I survive a fall?
Have I done market research?
Why am I doing this?
Is it just for cash or it is something I love doing?
Do I need further training?
What would be the effect on family and loved ones?
I will always advice for equity if family and friends cannot make up the funds you require, loan is a very good instrument if you know how to handle it.
A note for Kings and Priests
A Born again Christian is a king and a priest at the same time, in as much as righteous living and continuous study of the word are prerequisites for a Kingship. Capacity development has hindered a lot of us from making significant development in the annals of History.
Our Kingship is a result of our Priesthood but then there are mannerisms of a King which are quite different from those of a Priest. It takes a King to be an administrator like Joseph, a Shepherd, warrior and King like David. It takes the mannerism of Kingship for Daniel to survive Babylon. As a Christian in this present world, One must maintain a burning alter (Priesthood) for therein lies the channel for heavenly communication (Spiritual insight is our greatest asset) and develop the Speech and competence of a King.
Solomon in proverbs stated these characters. In Proverbs 31 vs 10 to end we find a queen. A good study of the whole book will give one profound insight.

To be continued
Read up previous editions in December ARCHIVE.

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