Friday, January 22, 2010

Business Series 6: STARTING OUT AIN’T EASY

A friend of mine just made it big in business (as in big!) and we are rejoicing with him but I remember just two months ago he was telling me of his first few months in business, then He was dating the very lady he married and stepping out almost cost him the relationship (most Ladies love security (men too!)), but the fire within was too much and my friend took the dive! He survived and I can afford to tell the story.
I remember his summary of the whole scenario:
1. Hunger is the biggest motivation (i.e. secondary to desire, Hunger comes after you’ve gone with the desire!)
2. A tough path does not necessary mean a wrong path.
This article is for those with a desire, the worst thing would be to rouse desire in the wrong individual, it is wise to remind a motivated individual that “yes he can” and to persuade a pessimist is never a good approach. He/she will learn, we all did.
Have You Set Out or do you intend to?
Count the cost! Entrepreneurship is not easy and it is not hard either. It is a question of whether it is your thing, it takes a certain mindset:
“I can” attitude
Decisive personality
Forgiving (forgive thyself quickly after you’ve learnt the lesson)
Stick ability (like glue you are their till proven otherwise)
Flexibility (not implying lack of commitment)
Sociable: you can work with people
Durability: you can stick out the harmattan!
Tough: that it ain’t working doesn’t mean you’re stupid
Faith: You believe in things!
Well, having all these qualities does not really imply you can be up to it, the thing I have learnt is that besides your competence, your patience and emotional maturity is one of the most determining character for success.

If faith is inside you, it must come out on your lips except if it a mere dream (the one you dream at night), but if it is your (note the personification) dream (the day type) then start talking the talk. A lot of folks have quit talking because they are scared of people stealing their ideas. What they don’t know is that ideas are a dime a dozen, what is lacking is people who believe in them and have the ability to bring them to pass. But can your idea be stolen? Not really, it can be shared though! You get my point.
If you keep talking, at a time you’ll keep quiet without being told to, that is when the results starts appearing or when you discover the work it will take! At such times you’ll come to learn that the real reason why we speak is to release creative forces in the atmosphere. Forces that forges convictions even in us, yes in you; the speaker. You are the ultimate beneficiary. At such a time your speaking literally increases but the company diminishes.
There are no free trade zones in the world! They may remove the other charges but you’ll still pay money and handle the transportation issues. In enterprise development the frost has a way of coming early and uninvited, but surviving the frost is the source of a Polar bear’s strength.
Do you know that Nokia was a paper manufacturer, the frost drove them to realize that communication is not limited to paper, that airwaves is a lot better.
The frost drove America to become a world giant.
Rules of the thumb: Hunger will motivate you only if you have a burning desire and are not ready to quit. Some people ensure they don’t quit by deleting all other options possible (burn the boats!)!
When you sack your boss, don’t take her/him back. Learning inexpensively (when you can) is a lot wiser and once you are out there judge God Faithful.
We will continue.
Okwonna Nnamdi Nelson

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