Friday, January 15, 2010


Last time we spoke on the need for one to develop competence, to look within and to harness the raw material; to teach our selves the necessary attributes required to achieve the desired end.
Most times an idea of today is not necessary for today but rather to send you to today’s learning arena.
The greatest burden I’ve always believed is that of potential, when you are aware of the possibilities within you but caged by the immediate it can be quite frustrating; every great achiever encountered this dilemma. We stressed that should you be in such a case the best step is to develop more competence or to give birth to the idea in a manger. Start small and keep listening to the music within.
Money will never satisfy you, for every covenant child, every child of destiny, material abundance is not designed to satisfy your inner longings and it can’t.
When one has a great desire to start a particular creative venture on the face of the globe, at first one would need to make sacrifices to attend to that venture (it is not usually profitable at the early stage). Just to create time for that idea is a major risk considering the opportunity cost (friends are moving on e.t.c.), then the individual has to invest the scarce means (means he didn’t have).
To take the above steps an individual who is on the path of destiny and is interacting with the seed of God in Him must have come across certain things which I will highlight below:
1.       Money for money sake is not enough motivation, in fact when one is involved in a business just for money sake he or she had left the plane of the creative, the selfish tendencies of man I’ve come to learn has a way of stealing divine inspiration which is our greatest asset.
2.       The seed in you has an inbuilt corrective mechanism; anytime you are either moving out of alignment with that seed or moving in unbelief (the cares of this world) there is a chastisement that should point you to an inward communion with God. I have learnt from experience that just after every “corrective affliction” is a new wave of revelation and progress. So move in the direction of the sun (heat/food). The symptoms are that you’ll lose your peace and the usual amicable atmosphere then becomes hostile all of a sudden, it is easy to mistake this for an enemy’s challenge.
3.       Independence is the name of the game: spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological independence are an all important criteria to bring about the birth of destiny and this doesn’t come cheap. You might think you are really independent until the internal corrective mechanism gets into motion, our value system in Africa places a lot of emphasis on support groups (families, friends and connections), that is why a lot of businesses, marriages and other ventures rises and falls with the mood of the “life support partner”. Teachers are mentors are necessary but learn to do your own digging. A nanny is not a life affair, we all need nannies at one point but then having more understanding than one’s teachers come from private meditation.
4.       Another level of dependence is the “deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world”: when my mood, plans and gait is influenced by the amount of money in my bank account I am lost in unbelief and in the arena of faith unbelief is a crime. I have learnt that the most important thing is the Word spoken to me and my interaction with that Word, The Word makes everything.
5.       When one has learnt to be inward (enjoy your own Spirit inspired thoughts), to master his/her emotions and to seek direction when the corrective motions sets in, the other thing is the power in making those internal convictions and beliefs external utterances.
 Many times we are quick to speak, to confess what we don’t really believe. Inasmuch as one needs to be vocal, it is best to develop roots within before undertaken such venture as you might fail to defend all the opposition that comes with speaking! Talking of opposition, you don’t need to defend your view (though you might want to at first), just ask God to confirm them.
There is great power in the spoken Word; words are the only things that have equal value in both the spirit and the physical realm. When God worked He spoke and Adam’s first work was naming every creature. We are in partnership with a speaking Creator.
In conclusion, I would say that for many for whom the seed of destiny has been crying within. The incorruptible seed that secured salvation, our greatest task is to feed that seed, to develop competence; to learn the art of independence and absolute trust on God as the source, to recognize that there is a creative genius within us that has created all of the inventions we see today. To recognize that the cries of this nation Nigeria is only parallel to those of the seed within you crying for expression, potentialities that can die on the altar of our own selfish plans. We must then therefore pay careful heed to the Words spoken to us, to pay the price of consecration that the seed of God demands and to speak Spirit inspired and energized words.
By these I believe we will qualify to be a receptacle and a depository for more of God’s divine and accurate wisdom (epignosis); manifesting Zoe (the God kind of Life).

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