Saturday, December 26, 2009

Business Series 2

Hello Friend, this piece is written for all those with the dream of making significant contribution to the development of the economy of Nigeria, this is to remind you that what is inside of you has corporate sense and to provide a blueprint for entering into the city. My mouth is like the pen of a ready writer. It is my responsibility to communicate this timely truth to you (all timeless truths are timely).

Before I continue, I suggest you relax and prepare to ponder on these truths for yourself as their implication can mean a life adjustment for you (A wise man will hear and increase wisdom).
I owe my inspiration to the teachings of my mentors (Pastor Dele Osunmakinde in particular)and my own personal interaction with the Word of faith.

I made some statements in an earlier note on this issue (you can check my previous notes) and this will build on it.

These are changing times, layoffs are rampant and it is pertinent that you and I find an answer that can be trusted and this can be found in the timeless book called the Bible, it is with pleasure that I try to communicate that answer. (you will be amazed for sure)

One, famines are not new, in fact it is in our heritage. From Abraham (the father of faith) to Isaac, and to Jacob. Men by whom God our God is called (the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob).

So relax, the economic situation is not the issue. The issue is knowing what to do, the answer is not out there or the Harvard professors would have saved America and General Motors from the economic crunch. What then is the answer/blueprint.
If this is was a lecture (which it is, a suggested reading would be “The Blueprint” By Dele Osunmakinde.

We would take a comprehensive view of what to do in four main Chapters:

The Thing You Carry
The mannerism of Faith

From where you are;

in enterprise development, the first thing you must come to terms with is than in relation to your present circumstance God is Faithful. Any time you blame your lack of connection, finances, parents or anything at all you are simply saying that God has dealt you a bad hand (you get what I mean?). it would be like Joseph in Prison or at Potiphar’s house grumbling that a man with mega dreams is a mere slave in a foreign land. Or Daniel at Babylon murmuring for being made an Eunuch. Or David with the sheep complaining that He had to deal with smelly sheep.

You must, I repeat must judge God Faithful at your present disposition (no matter how ugly it is) or you will never conceive seed. To do that you will need to take ownership of your Life, acknowledge that God knows what He is about (……..and sarah received Strength to conceive seed because He judged Him Faithful who Promised.) Note that God himself is the one who ministers seed to the sower and that in the parable of the talents, the young man who received one talent did nothing because of His disposition to the master (“……… are a hard man).

He literally said that God is not fair, that he is in fact Mean. So number one step in enterprise development is regarding your present situation take God to your court room of your heart, place Him at the dock, climb up your judgement seat adorned in full regalia and give the verdict. If your verdict is Faithful, then you’ve qualified to conceive seed.

David qualified with the sheep (He could have left the bear take them). Daniel did (they were in captivity and to be castrated to serve a foreign ruler yet he maintained allegiance to a seemingly forgetful God) Joseph at Potiphar’s house proved that He trusted God knew what He was about and greatest of All Abraham even after receiving the Promise (Isaac) wavered not when God asked Him to bring Him up for slaughter. Why? Because these men (our Fathers) looked at God and said; though I may not understand it right now, though it is not easy, though I dislike this present Job, I believe God knows what He is about.

This attitude is the critical requirement one must attain before He can conceive seed. Remember “He who comes to God must believe that He is, and is a rewarder of they that seek Him.
I will end this edition in the words of Dr. Ravi Zacharias

“When God wants to drill a man, thrill a man and skill a man
When God wants to mould a man to play the noblest parts
When he yearns with all His heart to create so bold and great a man
That all the world shall be amazed
Watch His methods, watch His ways
How He ruthlessly perfects whom He royally elects
How He hammers Him and hurts him and with Mighty blows converts him
Into the tried shapes of clay that God only understands
While his tortured heart is pleading and he lifts beseeching hands
How He bends but never breaks when His pudding He undertakes
How He uses whom He chooses and with every purpose fuses him
By every act induces Him
To prove His splendor out
God knows what He is about
God knows what He is about

Pls share this with friends and loved ones