Saturday, December 26, 2009

Business Series 1


The story was told of a certain man, a body builder by training; stout and strong on whom hard times had befallen, he went about looking for a job, he had earlier seen an advert; “Well Built Man Wanted” across the gate of a local zoo. The man thinking that perhaps they needed a hand to lift things and stuffs entered and sought for the job, to his utter surprise he was asked to play the role of a large monkey, the management explained that some children were expected and the zoo had just lost its prized monkey. It wouldn’t be nice to disappoint the children; wonderful kids.

The man for no better option agreed to the job, after all there is an economic crunch. The next day met him swinging from pole to pole in his monkey suit to the delight of the children who offered peanuts and bananas. By midday he probably got tired of the poles or the bananas got the better of him and the next thing our hero accidentally slipped and fell into the nearby lion’s cage! “Help, Help!” He screamed as the very big lion majestically approached him and to our greatest horror whispered “you had better shut up or we will both lose our jobs”!

Well, a colleague of mine offered me an advice one day, He said “the world is a vicious cycle where everybody is conning everybody, it depends on what you go home with at the end of the day” and this story aptly describes that scenario. In reality it is so for many individuals and when one finds himself in an ugly situation and screams for help, it is only to discover that the very person he is calling on is a bigger tougher fake probably employed by another fake organization.

It wouldn’t be a nice feeling for one to discover oneself in this story, but if you did that would be great progress. Just like the stock market; the house of cards that just gave in the other time, it is becoming clearer that the world economy is a game. But very few people realize how deliberate that game is.

Question: how can a Christian thrive successfully in this system? Can He?

Answer: Can He? Yes we can. To achieve this one has to first underscore who one is; a Christian, a follower of Christ. A son of God, Co heirs of the promise of Abraham, it is very important that you trace it back to Abraham, which will allow you the opportunity to take a look at members of your family; certainly not of your earthly family, of Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, David, Job, men of Faith. These men did business on this planet and some of them did it in even tougher terrain than ours and they were all successful, they are part of our History, never forget that. A good knowledge of History is paramount in any social science including business development and expansion; Know your History, material success is in our history.

How do I go about it?

“You are different”. The day you realize this!

God is God of the whole earth! Never judge God’s faithfulness by material stuffs: God is just and gives His sun to both the righteous and the unrighteous. Never judge God’s faithfulness by material provisions, to do that is to remain at a gentile mindset. (Gentiles by the Book worry about food, clothing and shelter) get out of Maslow’s hierarchy of need and be fast about it.

The fact you have a need is because provision has been made.

Thou shall not make haste.

Never over estimate your need, (this applies in all areas of life).

For that need in you, God has ministered seed. (the idea, the product or service has been ministered to you already).

Make that calling sure.

Never, never depend on man to make you (or the journey might take longer if not aborted). God will use men alright, understand the difference.

Interact with it; this will most times require independence, blind faith, trying times, but keep at it.

Be sensitive; The Spirit of the Lord is a gentleman, He hardly will shout in your eyes just plain nudging.

There is a big difference between “Buying and Selling” and “Sowing and reaping”. In one you know the source, in the other you are the source.

Understand from your environment but be very careful what you allow it to teach you; Selective learning is the name of the game.

Don’t seek blessings, Seek to be a blessing; you are blessed already. (Very few believe this, but it is in our history).

The seed for your blessing is in you already. Interact with it, trade with it.

The Words spoken to you are your source and provision. (This is the most important point I’ve made so far)

There are stages in the Kingdom, seed time…….harvest. Recognize them and identify where you are.

In between the seed and the harvest is the School you must attend; don’t drop out; carryovers are allowed but not ideal.

The reason why most Christians cannot do business by God’s standards (and therefore miss the mighty provisions He is capable of) is because they don’t believe or understand the words spoken to them. (Very few of us trust our Father).

To be continued………………………………………………

If this article has been a blessing to you, pls share it


Okwonna Nnamdi Nelson

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