Sunday, December 27, 2009


Someone asked; what’s the meaning of life? And is that answer absolute?

Before I attempt my answer, Can the answer to such a question as this be exclusive? In other words, is meaning subjective (plural)? If meaning is subjective as many believe it to be. it suffers practical coherent applicability (as it has ended up suffering). A subjective meaning would imply the lack of coherence and effectiveness in day-to-day kitchen table discussion. Since you carry yours with you and I mine. The problem with that is that society is interdependent and there must be common basis for mutual co existence.

For example, You can get killed in Northern Nigeria for a very meaningful cause accepted by a great no. of people privately or openly that may not make sense 8hours trip down the Niger. Meaning!

Someone said that “no truth is absolute” that might appear almost true until we ponder if that statement is exclusive of itself or inclusive. If the statement is true, it would be so only by a state of being absolute. A state it denies!

The answer for meaning should be that which best explains reality. It should answer the question of origin, of wonder, of purpose, of evil, and of the hereafter. And these answers must cohere.

So if there is an absolute truth, what is it?

In a world of conflicting opinions and interests, of diverse world views, there is and has been a great search by many, especially the young people for meaning and this writer is not excluded.

Religion has posed solutions, and majority of individuals would tell you that greater violence has come from religious opinions than from any singular cause. In reality atheism has killed more people than religion (Stalin, Hitler and Communism). I submit that atheism is also of itself a religion. Which by definition is the “essence of culture”. At the heart of every culture is a world view.

Your culture to mine. Culture has ceased to refer to only large groups of individuals, it is more personal now. We carry it with us, Language, Mannerism, dance, dressing, beliefs and convictions. These factors not only describe groups limited by location anymore. You can live a different culture from your twin sister sharing the same room at home.

Why culture? Culture is the Garb of the truth we live by. It is our convictions. The meaning we ascribe to.

What is meaning? The answer to that would provide the answer for a culture that works, a culture that tells me who am I, why am I, what next after here? simple questions? Think again.

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