Monday, April 26, 2010


It is much easier to take a pay check than to grow your own business, worse still you may not have brought sufficient experience to the job! Very few individuals had an impressive CV when they were considering themselves for the CEO job of their business, no doubt the idea was too great. The desire was burning and adrenaline level was high! Then the job begins………….you find your first client or your first client finds you! And Gbim you are in Business! You’ve dreamt about this long ago but you didn’t understand the adjustments you’ll have to make, to make matters worse you’ve got deadlines to meet.

The taxi/bus people are completely oblivious of your plight and you can’t wait to get a car. in the midst of the whole brouhaha you’re sure you’re on the right track, it’s just that the track demands a sweat suit!

I now can understand why big firms pay their CEO so well, those folks deserve every bit of the dollar they get; though in the States the amount could swirl you for a moment. The quality a good CEO brings to the job is a very rare commodity; you’ll be surprised how few people are willing to think, act on their dreams and dare stick out the harmattan.

You’ll be even more surprised at the competence of those that have taken the plunge. The key folks, is the ability to learn every day, to think daily and Pray like every day was your final year exams, because in a way, it is. Adapt to new information and be quiet enough for fresh insights.

The idea that got you running may not be sufficient to keep you in the race!

People are crucial; they make or mar, Listen to your inner voice when dealing with people. If it looks right, sounds right but doesn’t feel right on the inside; delay the decision if possible.

Building the Dream

A house is built brick by brick, keep at it. One day you’ll reach critical mass.

Exposure is your responsibility; don’t be limited to your environment. Take a trip to somewhere you can learn or meet people that you can learn from, the good thing about working for yourself is the ability to learn what you want to learn when you want to.

Making mistakes is part of the deal, it is the hallmark of great men; Fall forward.

If you find the virtuous woman, marry her! (and vice versa).

Always remember to think Abundance!


Nigeria needs more young professionals to take the lead, don’t be scared of the public sector. Only thread gently and reverently, you don’t influence people you don’t respect. If not for anything, they are there, you are not. Be like Joseph, interpret the dream; do the work and let Pharaoh take the credit. Do this and you’ll save a nation.

And while you are it, holler me and share the experience.

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