Monday, April 26, 2010


The first time I wrote on this topic, I had just finished typing it and was making some finishing touches when armed robbers stormed my office and made away with my laptop and other valuables. We however did not sustain any physical abuse! Of the trio of physical, Psychological and Sexual abuse I think the latter is more devastating. Sexual abuse is both physical and psychological.

“I was ravaged” were the words of a victim of sexual abuse. It really is a sore subject, one we often refuse to talk about. Our refusal however appear to be a product of our helplessness. A victim of sexual abuse would rather undergo the procedure again than talk about it.

She came to my office that day

She spoke in riddles,

The bottom line was that she was depressed

She asked for an anti depressant

She was fourteen

Her friend is undergoing an abusive scenario she said

I was surprised she knew the details so well

There wasn’t enough time

And I wanted to help

The story was ghoulish

I wouldn’t tell of it

The story of ravage

It is not just girl’s stories

I’ve heard the boy’s version

Told by men

Men with tears in their eyes

We read about it so often

And later try to forget

The victim wouldn’t

The victims couldn’t

The pain was real

Memories refuse to fade

Subconsciously we can hide it

Denial often is the escape

An escape with seeping side effects


If this is your question, you are not alone and there is an answer. There is power for you to forgive and be forgiven, I didn’t say it is easy, you can’t muster the strength though but I know of One who can.

“To forgive is to let a prisoner free and to discover that the prisoner is you” , this is the “foolishness” of God; that in forgiving evil we find truth. Salvation is found only at the cross of forgiveness, the cross of Love.

The trip to that cross is the track on which an abused person experiences the saving redemptive grace of God’s power. It is a trip many have taken and found redemption, it isn’t an easy trip no doubt but a necessary one.

Accept the Love of Christ, He loves you enough to pay for humanity’s ill and all of lives burden are made light when we accept His love and dare to share it.

Leave the abusive scenario, flee it and run to shelter. Accept His Love and dare to give it.

“On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, "Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me! Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” John 7:37


Okwonna Nelson

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