Monday, April 26, 2010

The Bondage Breaker: Masturbation, Homosexuality and the Power of God.

You sure read right! We’re talking about this and don’t let the TV talk host confuse you, these are not normal. They go by different codes and names; self-love, ********(depending), you know it is a wonder the way we invent names for stuffs like these. No doubt these are not entirely new, the increasing attention on “sexuality” issues though more of a “new age” appeal is not entirely limited to new age philosophy. The new age monistic posture that “all is one” and the lack of substantive difference between genders has generated a lot of waves which though are not necessarily presented as logical arguments are offered via the media as concluded realities. (see previous notes on Redeeming the arts)

TV propaganda has made masturbation look normal, safe and rather a wise way of keeping things under control. In reality these are very powerful influences that we sometimes try to explain away , this author by the way is no stranger to such influences.

Whatever your world view is if you are under the influence of these powerful forces (more powerful perhaps than alcoholism/nicotine addiction), there is a way out and please do know this for sure; these are real bad habits.

Question; on what basis are they bad?

Answer: The same basis on which killing someone is wrong! Masturbation and homosexuality like all sexual sins are self-degrading and God despises such. The human conscience serves as a good pointer and I’ve found out that individuals can also “switch off” the conscience entirely, we can lose hold of the anchor post that defines what is good and what is bad.

But peradventure you are under the influence and want freedom then I’ve got good news for you. The spiritual influences behind pornography, masturbation and homosexuality fortunately are under the Lordship of another superior influence; the Lordship of Jesus Christ. His influence is available to set you free to smile again, to truly love and to live a life of real freedom. Freedom not to lewdness but freedom to virtue, the greatest and least available freedom is the freedom to choose that which is noble and right and to do it and keep doing it. Jesus Christ unlike no other gives that ability with a clear conscience to top it!

Personally I’ve learnt that this Christ influence can only be assessed by Faith; to believe in Jesus Christ as the one sent by God to die for the world’s sin and Who also rose that we may live in Him and by Him. If you already believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ then lay hold on this and similar scripture and fight your fight of faith; “Once more Jesus addressed them.”I am the Light of the world," He said; "the man who follows me shall certainly not walk in the dark, but shall have the light of Life." John 8:12.

Hold fast to this, spiritual influences are only accessed by faith. You would need to make a public declaration (might, as the Spirit leads) and with time you’ll enjoy the victory that Christ alone brings.

Okwonna Nelson (

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