Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear significant friend, this piece is for the believer or seeker who intends to understand the Faith. It is really important that we truly have a good grasp of the themes, settings and pillars of the Christian Faith especially in times like this. In my young but eventful life in the faith I’ve found the level of ignorance to be quite high and considering that I suffered from such ignorance myself I felt compelled to write this to enable someone perhaps to live a more comprehensible and productive Life.

C.S. Lewis said of himself in his book “Surprised by Joy” that he was the most reluctant convert in the whole of England! (J.R.R Stolkein, the author of the “Lord of the Rings” was influential to Lewis’s comeback to Christianity), Oscar Wilde lived a life of pleasure all his days but at his deathbed asked for a priest as “God alone was big enough to cleanse this heart of mine”. On the floor of my hostel room at the age of 18 I began a fresh and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ.

Regardless of how and when we come to the Lord, the great news is that we came; you came.


“they do not know, they do not understand. They walk about in darkness. All the foundation of the earth are unstable” Psalm 82:1

“it seemed good to me also, having had a perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write to you an orderly account, most excellent Theophilus” Luke 1:3.

Perfect understanding is attainable and when it is absent, instability is the rule.


The death and resurrection of Jesus brought several realities to bear;

1. Jesus died for the sins of the whole of humanity: from the Middle east to the Antarctica, humanity’s problem is not a “sin” issue it is a “belief “and an “understanding” issue. (1 Cor 15:3) Belief for those who don’t believe and understanding for those who do. People will go to hell for rejecting Jesus alone. For more see the meaning of salvation

2. He rose from the grave: His death and shedding of blood secured forgiveness, His resurrection provided the Life. When He died, He took a trip to hell and got the keys of Hell and death (Rev 1:18, Math 28:18). He disarmed principalities and led a triumphant procession out of captivity (Eph 4:8, Col 2:9). His resurrection marked the conquest of death which is a product of sin (Rom 5:13, Gen 2:17). Note that death is spiritual. If you are afraid of death or hell, lose it. He has got the keys.

On resurrection, He offered us the opportunity to live a life devoid of death (eternal life) 2Tim 1:10. This provision is called GRACE and is accessed by FAITH (Rom 5:2). Grace encompasses forgiveness and righteousness. This righteousness is not because we have not sinned but rather because we believe, it is called the righteousness of Faith (Rom 10:6-11).

So God sees me in the Light of Jesus Christ (in HIM), we are free of the burden/conscience of sin (Heb 10:22). I am also able to serve God on planet earth (Heb 10:19).

The Christian life is life in Christ

Jesus among other gods

Eckankar and other eastern religions subscribe to a doctrine of spiritual enlightening via many spiritual exercises; all are aimed at attaining this eternal life (the God kind of life). Islam on the other hand focuses more on atoning for sin via rites (a similitude to the karma, Hindi caste structure and reincarnation theories as all are a form of penance for offence (the present and previous-life).

Christianity offers forgiveness by a God who could forgive and an eternal life to those forgiven. Forgiveness and Salvation is the central theme of the Christian faith and is lacking in every other faith. We have a savior!


“for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries” Heb 10:27.

It is then my responsibility to live this new found life. It is essentially a Love life (Faith works by love –Gal 5:6) see my allegory of the Christian Life

Another good reading in dealing with everyday life can be found here “Word Patterns in Life’s Kaleidoscope”

What Happens when I do sin?

Know this for certain; provision was made (note the past tense) I John 2:1-2, you however have the ability not to sin and you must access this ability by faith see “The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming sin”.


Your flesh in not born again though your Spirit is. So the significant you (the spirit You) must win the tussle by transforming the mind with the Word and prayer while starving the flesh of it’s desires (you know what…….). it is like the two heavy weight dogs of a certain man that fought for bets from onlookers, the owner always knew which dog was going to win. when asked, he stated that the secret was plain simple “starve one and feed the other”.

In conclusion, I hope this was not too long? I will close with the prayer of Blaise Pascal, the great French scientist:

“Almighty God who gave your servant Blaise Pascal a great intellect that he may explore the mysteries of your creation and who kindled in his heart a love for you and a devotion to your service; mercifully give us your servants according to our various callings, gifts of excellence in Body, Mind and Will and the Grace to Use them diligently in and to your glory through Jesus Christ our Lord who love and reigns with you and the Holy spirit, one God now and forever Amen.

Thank you.

Okwonna Nelson

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