Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I am not sure you’ve met Martha, but Martha is it! Beauty unparalleled, I thought I was doing ok till she came along (I found out I wasn’t!). It was like the sun shone like gold through the trees, how else can I describe such beauty? Ecstatic unbridled magnificent angelic loveliness! When you meet Martha, you become.

I promise not to bore you with the details but the first “date” (I can’t really call it that) was a candle light dinner at a friend’s place, destiny had it that we were on the same table but it was sheer dexterity that made me broach her (trust me). Later she told me that she would have sat there all evening without saying a word had I not taken the lead! I thank God that I did and History has shown the wisdom of those actions.

Martha is no failure, no, not at anything. She is the kind of a lady that would take shit and keep taking and yet still believe the best of everyone she met. She gives and gets to give again, if you heard her speak you would think the earth was paradise and we were all angels! My time with her has made a believer of me. Martha wouldn’t celebrate evil, even of her foes. Give her a good news, tell her of something beautiful and true and she would wake the neighbours with joy, for someone so blessed in Life, Martha lacks pride. If you heard a rude word from her, it’s probably you lacked some sense of humour!

She taught me that one of life’s best compensations is that one can never truly help others without helping oneself; that I should be ashamed to die without winning a trophy for humanity. Martha could sleep through a storm; she hardly get’s provoked and you could describe her mind as “beautiful”. Peradventure I am reading your mind right, she’s got lovely sisters too!

At our first “date”, I told myself that she must be the proud type, you can’t look that beautiful without it getting to your brains, she proved me wrong. She is the epitome of humility, and she isn’t acting. Like my mum (ha ha), she is not the type to parade herself; life is not Broadway. Her friends say she is not envious, I agree. Is Martha patient? Her patience could be trying at times! The most remarkable thing about Martha is her kindness; she always reminds me that there is no reason for an unkind word.

When folks think of “the lady”, they think of Martha. Though she is an allegory of Love, she is a real person. She lives on the inside of us. She is the person we must become and the person we hope to live with. It was Apostle Paul who said that the best of a blessed man without love is noise, a distraction, unharmonious piece of music (a clanging cymbal)! The best of his feats are ineffective and the best of his sacrifices are unrewarding.

It is a choice we must make every day; the one I do daily, to love God, to love you, to love my Lady and to love myself.
“As for us, we know that we have already passed out of death into Life--because we love our brother men. He who is destitute
of love continues dead.” 1 John 3:14 (WNT)


  1. Love....what an amazing, all encompassing emotion!

    "It is a choice we must make every day; the one I do daily, to love God, to love you, to love my Lady and to love myself."

    -- Absolutely love that! Love the scripture you shared at the end too...thank you:)!

    Thanks a lot for stopping by Okwonna! Hope your weekend is going well!




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